Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Most Important Words 40 for Competitive Exams

   1. Capricious: showing sudden changes in attitude or behaviour, baseless changes, unpredictable

2. Laudable: appreciable, praiseworthy

3. Garrulous: talkative

4. Corroborate: provide evidence or a supportive statement to strengthen your previous statement.

5. Mitigate: to reduce the effect of something serious,  to alleviate fears, etc.

6. Adulterate: to spoil the purity by adding impure contents, contaminated

7.  Audacious: very bold but rude and rough in behaviour (see audacity)

8.  Laconic: a speech or comment in which very few words are used

9.          Ablutions: अब्लूशन्स washing of hands, face, etc. as a routine activity

10.                  Afflicted: अफलिक्टिड: पीड़ित: affected

11.      Agile: ैजाइल: चुस्त: very quick to move, active

12.                  burlesque: बरलेस्क a piece of writing in prose or poetry to ridicule a person, a kind of parody

13.                  Bureau: ब्यूरो: agency, government department, department: He has opened a marriage bureau.

14.                  Casteist: कास्टिस्ट: the person who believes in a system of dividing society: One should not be a casteist.

15.                  Apprentice: the trainee: the person who is under training.

16.                   Rap: a quick and sharp hit on the door

17.                   Out of breath: take short breaths, pant

18.                   Commotion: sudden noisy movement and confusion:

19.                  Identical: आइडेंटिकल: समरूप: exactly the same

20.                  Indentify: आइडेंटिफाई: पहचान करना:

21.                  Idiosyncrasy: इडिओसिंक्रसी: सनकपूर्ण व्यवहार eccentricity: unusual way in behaviour

22.                  Idyllic: इडिलिक: शांतिपूर्ण, समस्याओं से दूर: peaceful and pleasant, without problem

23.                  Igloo: इग्लू: कड़ी बर्फ के टुकड़ों से बना छोटा घर: a small house made up of pieces of hard ice

24.                  Ignite: इग्नाइट: ज्वलित होना या करना: to make anything burn

25.                  Ignominy: इग्नमनी:शर्मिंदगी: disgrace, insult, humiliation

26.                  Illegal: इलीगल: गैरकानूनी, something against law

27.                  social accord: सोशल अक्कोड: सामाजिक सहमति: Inter-caste marriage needs social accord.

28.                  retract: रिटैक्ट : मुकरना, किसी किये गए वादे को पूरा करना: Do not try to retract from your promise now.

29.                  acute shortage: एक्यूट शॉर्टेजबहुत गंभीर कमी: There may be an acute shortage of water at some places in Rajasthan these days.

30.                  initiative: इनिशिएटिव :  किसी काम को या किसी समस्या के समाधान के लिए पहल करना: Why don’t you take an initiative to start your own business?

31.                  abscond: अब्सकोंड: किसी से बचने के लिए गुप्त रूप से भाग जाना: She has absconded with money and jewellery as her father wanted her to marry an elderly person.

32.                  Assurance (noun): (verb: assure) guarantee or promise

33.                  What assurance can you give me for my success if I agree to your proposal?

34.                  Protest (verb/noun): showing strong opposition or disagreement

35.                  They showed their protest against banning elections in colleges by sitting on ‘dharna.’

36. They protested against banning elections in colleges by sitting on ‘dharna.’

37.                  An amount of Rs. 1191.79 crore has been demanded to compensate the recent flood victims.

38.                 Compensate: कॉम्पेंसेट: क्षतिपूर्ति करना: to make up the loss

39.                  He said the memorandum sought the assistance of Rs 1,703 crores to compensate for the damage to the standing crops, relief for the unsown area, seeds for alternate crops, distribution of gypsum, and deepening of tube-wells.

40.                  Sought (2nd form of verb): seek: sought: sought: to look for something  तलाश करना, प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रयास करना