Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What is the origin of the idiom-bite the bullet?

Origin of the Idiom: bite the bullet
The origin of the idiom "bite the bullet" dates back to the 19th century and is believed to have its roots in the practices of battlefield medicine before the widespread use of anesthesia.

During battles or wars, when soldiers were wounded, surgery was often necessary to remove bullets or other foreign objects from their bodies. However, there were times when there was no time or resources to administer anesthesia. In such situations, soldiers were given a bullet to bite down on to help them endure the pain while the surgeon performed the necessary procedure.

Over time, the expression "bite the bullet" evolved to symbolize facing a difficult or painful situation bravely and without hesitation. It became a metaphor for enduring hardship or discomfort without complaint, much like a soldier enduring the pain of a battlefield surgery.

So, when someone says "bite the bullet" today, they are encouraging someone to face a challenging situation with courage and determination, much like a soldier biting down on a bullet to endure the pain.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Important words for vocabulary

Here are some multiple-choice questions related to important words beginning with the letter "B":

1. What is the definition of the word "benevolent"?

a) Showing great intelligence

b) Generous and kind

c) Extremely beautiful

d) Quick and agile

2. Which of the following is an antonym of the word "benevolent"?

a) Malevolent

b) Brave

c) Beneficial

d) Blissful

3. What does the term "biodiversity" refer to?

a) The study of biological clocks

b) The variety of life forms in an ecosystem

c) The process of photosynthesis

d) The measurement of bird populations

4. What is a synonym for the word "bifurcate"?

a) Unite

b) Divide

c) Strengthen

d) Expand

5. In Economics, what does the term "budget" typically refer to?

a) The amount of money one spends on luxury items

b) A detailed plan for managing income and expenses

c) The financial resources of a country

d) The process of saving money for future use

Answer: b) Generous and kind
2.Answer: a) Malevolent
3. Answer: b) The variety of life forms in an ecosystem
4. Answer: b) Divide
5. Answer: b) A detailed plan for managing income and expenses

Tuesday, April 9, 2024



The pronunciation of "nonchalant" is: \ˌnän-shə-ˈlant\

- Synonyms: indifferent, casual, unconcerned, relaxed, apathetic, insouciant, blasé

- Antonyms:concerned, worried, anxious, attentive, earnest, eager, fervent

- Origin: The word "nonchalant" comes from French, derived from the Old French word "nonchaloir," which means "to disregard" or "to be indifferent to." It entered the English language in the late 18th century, retaining its original sense of indifference or cool unconcern.

Important Words for Banking

Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on important words with their meanings suitable for a banking exam:

1. What is the meaning of the word "Austerity"?

a) Generosity

b) Frugality

c) Extravagance

d) Abundance

Correct answer: b) Frugality

2. What is the meaning of the word "Collateral"?

a) Central

b) Additional

c) Secured

d) Ambiguous

Correct answer: c) Secured

3. What is the meaning of the word "Liquidity"?

a) Flexibility

b) Insolvency

c) Rigidity

d) Solidity

Correct answer: a) Flexibility

4. What is the meaning of the word "Diversification"?

a) Specialization

b) Concentration

c) Expansion

d) Variation

Correct answer: d) Variation

5. What is the meaning of the word "Inflation"?

a) Deflation

b) Stagnation

c) Price increase

d) Recession

Correct answer: c) Price increase

6. What is the meaning of the word "Mortgage"?

a) Lease

b) Ownership

c) Loan

d) Security

Correct answer: c) Loan

7. What is the meaning of the word "Default"?

a) Compliance

b) Failure

c) Achievement

d) Fulfillment

Correct answer: b) Failure

8. What is the meaning of the word "Debenture"?

a) Equity

b) Bond

c) Asset

d) Liability

Correct answer: b) Bond

9. What is the meaning of the word "Arrears"?

a) Advance payment

b) Current payment

c) Delayed payment

d) Overpayment

Correct answer: c) Delayed payment

10. What is the meaning of the word "Amortization"?

a) Repayment

b) Accumulation

c) Devaluation

d) Appreciation

Correct answer: a) Repayment

These questions cover a range of important banking-related terms and their meanings, which are crucial for candidates preparing for banking exams.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Take on-what is the meaning of 'take on'?

"Take on" is a versatile phrasal verb with several meanings depending on the context. Here are some common interpretations:

1. To accept or undertake a task or responsibility: "She decided to take on the challenge of leading the project."

2. To confront or deal with something difficult or challenging: "The company had to take on the competition to survive in the market."

3. To hire or employ someone: "The company plans to take on more staff for the busy season."

4. To acquire a certain appearance or demeanor: "The situation began to take on a more serious tone."

5. To adopt or develop a certain attitude or viewpoint: "He tends to take on a pessimistic outlook during stressful times."

6. To engage in a fight or conflict: "The soldiers prepared to take on the enemy forces."

7. To begin to exhibit or display a particular characteristic or quality: "The painting started to take on a life-like quality as the artist continued to work on it."

These are just a few examples, and the exact meaning of "take on" can vary based on the context in which it is used.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Most Important Words 40 for Competitive Exams

   1. Capricious: showing sudden changes in attitude or behaviour, baseless changes, unpredictable

2. Laudable: appreciable, praiseworthy

3. Garrulous: talkative

4. Corroborate: provide evidence or a supportive statement to strengthen your previous statement.

5. Mitigate: to reduce the effect of something serious,  to alleviate fears, etc.

6. Adulterate: to spoil the purity by adding impure contents, contaminated

7.  Audacious: very bold but rude and rough in behaviour (see audacity)

8.  Laconic: a speech or comment in which very few words are used

9.          Ablutions: अब्लूशन्स washing of hands, face, etc. as a routine activity

10.                  Afflicted: अफलिक्टिड: पीड़ित: affected

11.      Agile: ैजाइल: चुस्त: very quick to move, active

12.                  burlesque: बरलेस्क a piece of writing in prose or poetry to ridicule a person, a kind of parody

13.                  Bureau: ब्यूरो: agency, government department, department: He has opened a marriage bureau.

14.                  Casteist: कास्टिस्ट: the person who believes in a system of dividing society: One should not be a casteist.

15.                  Apprentice: the trainee: the person who is under training.

16.                   Rap: a quick and sharp hit on the door

17.                   Out of breath: take short breaths, pant

18.                   Commotion: sudden noisy movement and confusion:

19.                  Identical: आइडेंटिकल: समरूप: exactly the same

20.                  Indentify: आइडेंटिफाई: पहचान करना:

21.                  Idiosyncrasy: इडिओसिंक्रसी: सनकपूर्ण व्यवहार eccentricity: unusual way in behaviour

22.                  Idyllic: इडिलिक: शांतिपूर्ण, समस्याओं से दूर: peaceful and pleasant, without problem

23.                  Igloo: इग्लू: कड़ी बर्फ के टुकड़ों से बना छोटा घर: a small house made up of pieces of hard ice

24.                  Ignite: इग्नाइट: ज्वलित होना या करना: to make anything burn

25.                  Ignominy: इग्नमनी:शर्मिंदगी: disgrace, insult, humiliation

26.                  Illegal: इलीगल: गैरकानूनी, something against law

27.                  social accord: सोशल अक्कोड: सामाजिक सहमति: Inter-caste marriage needs social accord.

28.                  retract: रिटैक्ट : मुकरना, किसी किये गए वादे को पूरा करना: Do not try to retract from your promise now.

29.                  acute shortage: एक्यूट शॉर्टेजबहुत गंभीर कमी: There may be an acute shortage of water at some places in Rajasthan these days.

30.                  initiative: इनिशिएटिव :  किसी काम को या किसी समस्या के समाधान के लिए पहल करना: Why don’t you take an initiative to start your own business?

31.                  abscond: अब्सकोंड: किसी से बचने के लिए गुप्त रूप से भाग जाना: She has absconded with money and jewellery as her father wanted her to marry an elderly person.

32.                  Assurance (noun): (verb: assure) guarantee or promise

33.                  What assurance can you give me for my success if I agree to your proposal?

34.                  Protest (verb/noun): showing strong opposition or disagreement

35.                  They showed their protest against banning elections in colleges by sitting on ‘dharna.’

36. They protested against banning elections in colleges by sitting on ‘dharna.’

37.                  An amount of Rs. 1191.79 crore has been demanded to compensate the recent flood victims.

38.                 Compensate: कॉम्पेंसेट: क्षतिपूर्ति करना: to make up the loss

39.                  He said the memorandum sought the assistance of Rs 1,703 crores to compensate for the damage to the standing crops, relief for the unsown area, seeds for alternate crops, distribution of gypsum, and deepening of tube-wells.

40.                  Sought (2nd form of verb): seek: sought: sought: to look for something  तलाश करना, प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रयास करना

Phonemic Transcription-