Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Improve Your Vocabulary (1 to 10 words)-Scintillating -Tacit-Sentience-Opulent-Morose-Savvy:Irk--Grotesque

Improve Your Vocabulary (1 to 10 words)

 1.Scintillating /ˈsɪn.tɪ.leɪ.tɪŋ/ "Scintillating" means sparkling or shining brightly, either literally, like a diamond, or figuratively, like a conversation that's very exciting or witty. It's often used to describe something that is exceptionally brilliant, lively, or stimulating.

 2.Tacit /ˈtæs.ɪt/ means already understood adjective 

 3.Sentience /ˈsen.ti.əns/ : ability to experience feelings

 4.:Opulent-/ˈɒp.jə.lənt/ : expensive and luxurious

 5.Morose:/məˈrəʊs/: sad, sullen, unhappy

 6.Savvy: /ˈsæv.i/: practical knowlwdge,

  7.Irk: /ɜːk/ : to annoy someone

  8.Grotesque: /ɡrəʊˈtesk/: comically silly, strange and unpleasant


9.Incorrigible /ɪnˈkɒr.ə.dʒə.bəl/ : it is used for the person whose behaviour is bad and impossible to change.


10. Bursar /ˈbɜː.sər/: person dealing with accounts at a college, university or in school




Sunday, June 2, 2024

Henpecked-origin and meaning

 The idiom "henpecked" has an interesting origin, meaning, and usage:


The term "henpecked" originates from the behaviour of hens. In a flock of chickens, a hen might peck at another, particularly the rooster, to assert dominance or to control certain situations. This pecking behavior is often observed among domestic poultry where hens might aggressively peck at each other or at the rooster.


The idiom "henpecked" refers to a man who is dominated or controlled by his wife or partner. It suggests that the man is submissive and frequently overruled or nagged by his wife.


"Henpecked" is typically used in a somewhat humorous or derogatory manner to describe a man perceived as excessively compliant to his wife's demands. For example:

  • "John does everything his wife says; he's so henpecked."
  • "He can't come out tonight, his wife won't let him—he's completely henpecked."

The idiom carries a negative connotation, implying a lack of masculinity or assertiveness on the part of the man. While it can be used lightly among friends, it can be offensive if used seriously or with ill intent.