Saturday, July 16, 2022

Word-meanings-Vocabulary for Cpmptitions

 1. Treacherous: unfaithful, false: Yakima river was treacherous.

2.    Shallow: not deep: The pool was two or three feet deep at the shallow end.

3.    Skinny: thin: I hated to walk naked into it and show my skinny legs.

4.    Subdue: to tame, to put under control or check, restrain: But I subdued my pride and walked into the pool naked.

5.    Aversion: strong dislike, loathing, hatred: From the beginning, I had an aversion to the deep water of a pond or a river.

6.    Surf: waves, foam of the waves: My father and I stood in the surf.

7.    Aping (to ape): imitating, copying: I paddled water wings, watching the other boys and trying to learn by aping them with my new water wings.

8.    Misadventure: mishap, accident, calamity: I was just beginning to feel at ease in the water when the misadventure happened.

9.    Timid: coward, one who is afraid of something or somebody: I felt timid to enter the deep water of the pool.

10.                       Bruiser: a strong and well-built boy who bullies others

11.                       Specimen: sample

12.                       Rippling: moving like waves

13.                       Toss: to throw oneself in a carefree manner

14.                       Summoned: gathered, mustered

15.                       Bob: to move up and down

16.                       Tinge: coloured spot  

17.                       Clutch: to hold tightly

18.                       yell (cry)

19.                       flailed (moved energetically arms and legs)

20.                       paralysed (unable to move) and rigid (stiff)

21.                       irresistible (that is impossible to oppose) force

22.                       ached (pained), my head throbbed (when you feel the nerves beating). 

23.                       dizzy (when you feel as if everything is moving and you are unable to balance).

24.                       stark (real) terror

25.                       shrieking (crying)

26.                       pounding (throbbing) in my head,

27.                       grab (seize/grip)

28.                       Stark (real but harsh)

29.                       ceased (stopped).

30.                       limp (handicapped)

31.                       It wiped out (removed) fear

32.                       drowsy (feeling as if in sleep)

33.                       I crossed to oblivion (state of forgetfulness/unconsciousness), and the curtain of life fell.

34.                       The slightest exertion upset me, making me wobbly (shaky/unsteady) in the knees

35.                       I was wading (walking with effort) the Tieton or Bumping River

36.                       the terror that had seized (overpowered) me in the pool would come back.

37.                           In canoes (/kəˈnuːs/ small boats)

38.                       New Hampshire (It is a state in New England, US),

39.                       canoeing (the sport or activity of paddling a light, narrow boat.

40.                       the tension began to slack (decrease)

41.                       my face under water and exhale (breathe out), and to raise my nose and inhale (breathe in).

42.                       Bit by bit I shed (get rid of) part of the panic

43.                       Tiny vestiges (small parts) of the old terror would return

44.                       Yet I had residual (/rɪˈzɪdʒ.u.əl/ remaining) doubts.

45.                       I stripped (undressed)

46.                       Gilbert Peak (Gilbert Peak is the third highest peak in the U.S. state of Utah)

47.                       the will to live somehow grew in intensity (depth).

48.                       free to walk the trails (a path in the mountains)

Friday, May 13, 2022

What is a single word that means “one who easily believes”?

 This word is ‘credulous’, which is pronounced as /ˈkredʒ.ə.ləs/ in British R. P.

Another word with the same meaning is ‘gullible’ which is pronounced as /ˈɡʌl.ə.bəl/

What is the difference between 'royal and 'loyal''?

 Both the words, ‘loyal’ and ‘royal’ have different meanings. but these two words fall in the same category under the ‘Parts of speech. Both of these words are adjectives.

The word ‘royal means ‘majestic, splendid, magnificent, belonging to kings and queens, etc.


Some royal families of Jai Pur still follow their old traditions.

The word ‘loyal’ means ‘faithful, devoted, reliable, etc.’.

Loyal friends are rare in this world that is often ruled by materialism.