Saturday, May 4, 2024

One Word Substitution-inaudible-ineligible-infallible

 1.   Infallible: We use this word for the person who cannot commit a mistake. Example: In my opinion, no one in this world is infallible.

2.   Inaudible: We use this word when we are unable to hear any sound or voice. Example: Speak loudly. Your words are inaudible to me.

3.   Audible: We use this word for the sound or voice that is audible to us. . Example: Your words are quite audible to me.

4.   Ineligible: We use this word for the person who is unable to fulfil the prescribed conditions laid  by for admission or appointment.  Example: Since you are not post postgraduate in your subject, you are ineligible for the post of PGT.

5.   Eligible: We use this word for the person who is unable to fulfil the prescribed conditions laid by for admission or appointment.  Example: Since you are post-graduate in your subject, you are eligible for the post of PGT.

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